Unlock the Full Potential of Your Membership Funnel

Strategies to Elevate Your Funnel's Performance

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Hey Entrepreneur,

Today, I'm excited to share some valuable insights into optimizing your membership-based business model.

Understanding the Unique Nature of Memberships 

First off, it's crucial to recognize that memberships are not your average product or service.

They require a specialized approach in sales funnels to truly capitalize on their potential.

The goal here is to not only boost enrollments and sales but to streamline the process, making it efficient and, more importantly, scalable.

High Ticket vs. Low Ticket Memberships: Tailoring Your Approach

The strategy pivots significantly based on whether you're dealing with high ticket memberships (priced above $97 per month) or low ticket ones.

  • For high ticket memberships, it's essential to integrate a conversion tool. This could be a webinar, a masterclass, a challenge, or even an exclusive Facebook group. The idea is to give a preview or a taste of what being a member is all about.

  • On the flip side, low ticket memberships can have a more direct approach. Here, you can leverage your social media content to lead straight to the membership sign-up. The call to action in your content should be clear and direct – inviting people to join the membership. (I have $37/m AIpreneur Club you can check with 14-day free trial here)

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Strategies for Different Customer Actions

  1. For Those Who Purchase:

    • Offer a VIP version of your membership for added exclusivity and value.

    • Use cross-selling techniques to increase the average order value.

    • Add new members to your newsletter and plan an upsell strategy, especially focusing on points where you notice a drop-off in membership.

    • Gradually lead them to higher-value offerings, like a 'done with you' model (like a mastermind or accelerator) and eventually to the ultimate 'done for you' package. This progression not only increases customer value but also enhances their experience with your brand.

  2. For Those Who Hesitate or Decline (High Ticket):

    • If a potential member decides against joining your high ticket membership, introduce them to a DIY digital product. This could be a mini-course or a similar digital offering.

    • Should they purchase the digital product but not the membership, it's time to bring them into your newsletter ecosystem (recordings of my 5-Day Newsletter Launchpad Challenge will be added to AIpreneur Club next week). Here, you can nurture them further, showcasing the value of your membership, and re-introduce the offer.

    • If they still don't opt for the membership, guide them towards a freebie. This step is about building trust and showcasing your expertise.

  3. For Those Who Decline (Low Ticket):

    • In the case of low ticket memberships, if there's no purchase, the journey typically ends there, as you haven't captured their contact details. This highlights the importance of robust content promotion for low ticket offers.

AOB NewsletterThe AOB Club: Your one stop shop for all of the latest business news.

Enhancing Your Funnel with Smart Tactics

  • Exit Popups: Implement exit popups on direct-to-purchase pages. This helps in capturing contact details of potential leads who might otherwise leave without engaging further. (for example you can see exit indent popup in action on AIpreneur Club page leading to my newsletter)

  • Abandoned Cart Sequence: For those who fill their cart but don't complete the purchase, an abandoned cart email sequence can be very effective. Consider offering a discount or addressing potential hesitations they might have.

  • Trip Wire: Use a trip wire to re-engage those who abandoned their cart. The aim is to bring them back into the funnel, either towards the membership or higher-value offerings.

Creating a Sense of Exclusivity and Demand For high ticket memberships, consider creating a waitlist and opening enrollment periodically (like quarterly). This approach can create a sense of urgency and exclusivity, making the membership more desirable.

Final Thoughts Remember, the essence of this strategy is to nurture leads and customers at various stages of their journey with your brand. Whether they're just getting to know you through a freebie or they're ready for the full 'done for you' package, each step is designed to add value and deepen their engagement with your services.

I'm confident that by implementing these strategies, you'll see a significant impact on your membership enrollments and overall business growth. As always, I'm here to support you in your journey to success.

Cheers to your success,

Andrew Darius

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