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How to Start Your SaaS Company in 2024 Without Writing a Single Line of Code

Dive into the essentials of launching your SaaS business in 2024

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⚡The Barry Hott Ugly Ads Edition which revealed the science of getting past people’s subconscious ad blockers.

⚡ The Sarah Levinger Psychology-Based Creative Edition showing how to properly use emotion and brain science in your advertising.

⚡The Alex Cooper A-to-Z of Ad Production Edition giving teams a relentlessly practical guide to ideation and iteration. 

Plus, we’ve covered things like how HexClad's Head of Growth Connor Rolain runs his creative strategy flywheel, how to properly back into a MER goal, contribution margin tutorials, and advanced ad analysis techniques. 

Hey Entrepreneur,

Today, I want to share with you a comprehensive guide on how you can start your own Software as a Service (SaaS) company, even if you've never written a line of code in your life.

Yes, it's entirely possible, and I'm here to show you how.

Step 1: Visualize Your App with a Wireframe

First things first, you need to get a clear picture of what your app is going to look like and what it will do. This is where creating a wireframe comes in. It's a simple process that helps you layout your app's design without getting into the nitty-gritty of coding. If you're on a budget, Figma is a fantastic tool that's both user-friendly and powerful. Remember, the clearer your vision, the easier it will be to bring it to reality.

Step 2: Validate Your Idea

Before you pour your heart and soul (not to mention your savings) into building your app, it's crucial to see if there's actually a demand for it. Share your Figma wireframe with potential users to get their honest feedback. Look for feedback from people outside your immediate circle, as they're likely to give you the unvarnished truth. Use social media platforms like Discord, Twitter, Reddit, and LinkedIn to find your audience. A simple landing page with an email sign-up can help you gauge interest and build a waiting list of potential customers.

Step 3: Build Your MVP (Minimal Viable Product)

Now comes the exciting part—turning your idea into a reality. With today's no-code tools like Bubble, Make.com, and Rapid APIs, anyone can build software. Focus on creating an MVP that includes only the essential feature your users want. This approach allows you to launch quickly, get user feedback, and make improvements without wasting time and resources on unneeded features.

Step 4: Pre-Launch Strategy

As you're building your MVP, start creating media assets like Instagram accounts, Discord communities, newsletters, and Twitter accounts. The key here is to build an audience by providing value related to your SaaS's niche. This isn't about directly promoting your product but about attracting people who will be genuinely interested in what you're creating.

Step 5: Launch Your SaaS

When you're ready to launch, your sales page should be clear, concise, and focused on the outcomes your app provides. A compelling demo video can work wonders here. Launching on Product Hunt can be a fantastic way to get your app in front of thousands of tech enthusiasts and potential users. Remember, the timing of your launch can significantly impact its success, so plan accordingly.

If you ever feel stuck or need guidance, remember that the community and resources available today are more supportive than ever.

Cheers to your success,

Andrew Darius

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