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  • Urgent Update: Google's New Email Policies & How They Affect Your Business

Urgent Update: Google's New Email Policies & How They Affect Your Business

Navigating Google's 2024 Email Updates: Essential Strategies for Entrepreneurs

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Hey Entrepreneur,

Today, I'm reaching out with some crucial information that could significantly impact your email marketing strategies.

As you know, staying ahead in the digital world means keeping up with the latest changes, and Google's upcoming spam filter update in February 2024 is something you can't afford to ignore.

Understanding Google's New Spam Filter Policies 

Firstly, it's essential to understand what these changes entail.

Google and Yahoo are revamping their spam filters to reduce the influx of unwanted emails in users' inboxes.

This update isn't just about filtering out blatant spam; it extends to all company emails, even those your subscribers have opted into.

The Critical Spam Rate Threshold 

Here's a key change: Google will now be implementing a spam complaint threshold.

If your emails have a spam rate of 0.3% or higher, they'll automatically be marked as spam.

To put it simply, if more than three out of a thousand recipients mark your email as spam, you're in the danger zone.

DNS Record Setup: A Non-Negotiable 

Your DNS records need to be in perfect order.

If they're not set up correctly, your emails are more likely to end up in the spam folder, never reaching your intended audience.

I've come across a helpful resource that walks you through setting up your DNS settings correctly, which I highly recommend checking out here.

Mandatory Unsubscribe Link 

Another critical update is the requirement of a one-click unsubscribe link in your emails.

Gone are the days when a simple "reply to unsubscribe" would suffice.

This change is non-negotiable if you want to stay compliant.

Impact on Email Marketers: B2C and B2B 

While these updates are primarily consumer-focused, don't be mistaken – they will impact B2B communications as well.

If you're in the B2C space, adapting to these changes is imperative. And even if you're in B2B, preparing for similar updates in the future is a wise move.

Technical Steps for Compliance To ensure you're on the right side of these new policies, you need to:

  1. Verify your DNS settings are correct.

  2. Include a one-click unsubscribe link in your emails.

Content and Targeting: The Heart of Your Email 

The content of your emails and your targeting strategy are more crucial than ever.

Your emails should resonate with your audience to minimize the risk of being marked as spam.

Be selective in your targeting.

A Clever Strategy: Increase Warm-up Emails 

A smart way to manage your spam rate is to increase the number of warm-up emails you send.

This strategy dilutes your overall spam rate, allowing for a bit more flexibility in your actual email campaigns.

As we approach February 2024, it's crucial to adapt to these changes to ensure your emails continue to reach your audience effectively.

I encourage you to explore the resource mentioned and stay tuned for more updates and insights.

Cheers to your success,

Andrew Darius

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